Monday, July 28, 2008

Indenting Left and Right Paragraph

The space or distance between the page margin and the text in a paragraph is called indent. These are applied to set the margins of selected paragraph.

In a document, margins determine the overall width of the main text area or in other words, the space between the text and the edge of the page. Indentation determines the distance of a paragraph from either left or right margins. There are six types of indents that can be used in a document. These are:

  • First line indent is the distance between the first line of the paragraph and the left margin.

  • Left indent is the distance between the start of each line of the paragraph and the left margin.

  • Right indent is the distance between the end of each line of the paragraph and the right margin.

  • In hanging indent, the first line of the paragraph is not indented and all other lines start at same distance from the left margin. The first line 'of the paragraph usually starts from the left margin.

To indent a paragraph, follow these steps.

  • Select the Paragraph you want to indent.

  • Select the "Paragraph" command from "Format" drop down menu; "Paragraph" dialog box appears.

  • Specify values in Left and Right fields of indentation and click "Ok" button of dialog box.

Protecting Document with Password

You can protect your document by applying password so that unauthorized person can not display as well as modify your document. You can apply two types of passwords:

Password to open the document:

If it is applied then you have to give the correct password to open the document, otherwise you cannot open the document.

Password to modify the document:

If it is applied then you have to give the correct password to modify the document, otherwise your document is opened but you cannot modify the document. It means that your document becomes read-only.

To apply a password to document, follow these steps.

* Open Save As dialog box by selecting "Save As" command from File menu.

* Click "Tools" button of Save As dialog box and choose "General Options" from drop down menu, "Save" dialog box appears as shown in figure below.

* Enter first password in "Password to open" text box and second password in "Password to modify" text box (if required) and click "Ok" button of dialog box. Microsoft Word will open "Confirm Password" dialog box for the confirmation of passwords. The maximum length of password is 15 characters.

* Re-enter the password to open and password to modify and click "Ok" button of Confirm Password dialog boxes one by one.

* Click "Save" button of Save As dialog box.

Information About Purchasing A New Computer Chassis


Generally there are two types of Computer Case are available in market, for Example Tower case and desktop case. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table and the monitor is usually placed on the system unit. An other model of the computer case is known tower. The system unit of the tower PC is vertically placed on the desk or table. But purchasing a computer case is generally not an important consideration when you are going to buy a Computer. However it depends upon the user needs and choice to building a computer case may find it important to consider the following considerations.


  • Color of Case

  • Type of Case (Tower case and Desktop case)

  • Size of Case

The main and important factor is Upgrade availability in case.

  • Please must consider that case have enough slots which will allow you to add additional hard disk CD-ROM, Floppy drives or other drives.

  • Other main consideration is that case have the availability for slots for additional cards to be placed in. For Example VGA Card, LAN card and internal Modem.

Tips on Buying a Server Machine


Server is the most powerful and fastest, and also very expensive machine. It is used to process large amount of data and to solve the complicated scientific problems. The severs computers are used in large organization such as Banks, Airlines and Universities, that it is a big decision for organization to buy a proper server machine according to their need Below is information and help for what to look out for when purchasing a computer server. It is important to also note that every business is unique and may require more or less of what is listed below.


Today there are two options to buy a Server computer, a new or used computer. Used computer are some time out of date, but you can buy it with very low price as compare to new computer, but I think branded or used computer are much stable than a new computer. Before purchasing a Server computer consider if you should purchase a new or used computer. Many individuals sell computer before they are out of date allow you to purchase a relatively decent computer. Before purchasing a new computer from a computer manufacture look at what is available and review the below precautions when purchasing a computer.

More Considerations

When purchasing a Server computer it is likely that you will have a general idea of what you may like in the computer or how you would like to configure the computer. Below is a listing of the various components likely to be found in a computer and recommendations and tips when considering any of the following components.


Short recommendation


Generally there are two types of Computer Case are available in market, for Example Tower case and desktop case. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table and the monitor is usually placed on the system unit. An other model of the computer case is known tower. The system unit of the tower PC is vertically placed on the desk or table. But purchasing a computer case is generally not an important consideration when you are going to buy a Computer. However it depends upon the user needs and choice to building a computer case may find it important to consider the following considerations.

CD Media

CD-R -always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. A CD-writer or recorder (or simply CD-R drive) is used to write data on CD-R disks. Usually, a CD-writer can read information from CD as well as write information on CD, The locally produced CD-R disks are created with CD writer. The speed of these drives is up to 52X or more.

CD-RW - You must have a CD-RW drive to write date on the CD-RW. These drives have read and write speed is up to 52X or more but the re-write speed is 10X or more. The CD-RW drive is advanced and more expensive than CD-R drive. It can write data on both CD-R and CD-RW discs and also read data from them

DVD - DVD stands for Digital Video Disk Versatile Disc. DVD-ROM is an extremely high capacity optical disc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB.

Hard Drive

Hard drives have and always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. Hard disk is most commonly used storage device in personal computers and laptop computers. Most application programs and operation systems require hard disk for installation and operation.


The computer processor is and will always be an important consideration when purchasing a computer. Processor is considered the brain of the computer. The CPU fetches instructions of program from main memory and executes them one by one. The speed of the CPU is measured in Mega Hertz or Giga Hertz and speed from 500 MHz to 3.4 GHz, it depends upon a user needs, that is why purchasing a processor is an important consideration when building or buying a computer. There are several considerations and additional information about what to ask and look for when purchasing a processor directly or already installed into a computer.

Tips On Buying A Desktop Computer


A desktop personal computer is a most popular mode of personal computer. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table. In desktop personal computer, is usually placed on the system unit. A Purchasing a home or business computer can be a big and sometimes costly decision. Below is a listing of helpful suggestions for what to look for and ask when purchasing a home or business computer new or used.


Today there are two options to buy a computer, a new or used computer. Used computer are some time out of date, but you can buy it with very low price as compare to new computer, but I think branded or used computer are much stable than a new computer. Before purchasing a computer consider if you should purchase a new or used computer. Many individuals sell computer before they are out of date allow you to purchase a relatively decent computer. Before purchasing a new computer from a computer manufacture look at what is available and review the below precautions when purchasing a computer.

More Considerations

When purchasing a computer it is likely that you will have a general idea of what you may like in the computer or how you would like to configure the computer. Below is a listing of the various components likely to be found in a computer and recommendations and tips when considering any of the following components.


Short recommendation


Generally there are two types of Computer Case are available in market, for Example Tower case and desktop case. The system unit of the desktop personal computer can lie flat on the desk or table and the monitor is usually placed on the system unit. An other model of the computer case is known tower. The system unit of the tower PC is vertically placed on the desk or table. But purchasing a computer case is generally not an important consideration when you are going to buy a Computer. However it depends upon the user needs and choice to building a computer case may find it important to consider the following considerations.

CD Media

CD-R -always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. A CD-writer or recorder (or simply CD-R drive) is used to write data on CD-R disks. Usually, a CD-writer can read information from CD as well as write information on CD, The locally produced CD-R disks are created with CD writer. The speed of these drives is up to 52X or more.

CD-RW - You must have a CD-RW drive to write date on the CD-RW. These drives have read and write speed is up to 52X or more but the re-write speed is 10X or more. The CD-RW drive is advanced and more expensive than CD-R drive. It can write data on both CD-R and CD-RW discs and also read data from them

DVD - DVD stands for Digital Video Disk Versatile Disc. DVD-ROM is an extremely high capacity optical disc with storage capacity from 4.7 GB to 17 GB.

Hard Drive

Hard drives have and always will be an important consideration to think about when purchasing a new computer or used computer. Hard disk is most commonly used storage device in personal computers and laptop computers. Most application programs and operation systems require hard disk for installation and operation.


The computer processor is and will always be an important consideration when purchasing a computer. Processor is considered the brain of the computer. The CPU fetches instructions of program from main memory and executes them one by one. The speed of the CPU is measured in Mega Hertz or Giga Hertz and speed from 500 MHz to 3.4 GHz, it depends upon a user needs, that is why purchasing a processor is an important consideration when building or buying a computer. There are several considerations and additional information about what to ask and look for when purchasing a processor directly or already installed into a computer.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

What is ISDN?

ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network. It is a set of standards used to digital transmission of voice and data over already existing telephone line. The ISDN uses the multiplexing technique to carry three or more data signals at once through the telephone line. The data transfer speed of ISDN line is very fast than old dial-up connection. ISDN connections are more useful in applications like videoconferencing, to run online movies and upload and download heavy files. In ISDN line, both ends of connections require the ISDN modem and a special telephone set for voice communication.
Basically ISDN divides its total bandwidth into three channels. The basic two channels send data at the speed of 64 Kbps and third one at the speed of 16 Kbps. The 64 kbps channels carry data, voice, image and movies and 16 Kbps channels carry single information and link management data. A computer connected to ISDN service can use both channels. ISDN is twice as fast than a dial-up connection but not much expensive. Its data transmission speed is up to 128 Kbps.

DSL is much easier to install and provides much faster data transfer rate. ADSL connections are more useful in applications like videoconferencing, to run online movies and upload and download heavy files. This connection is ideal for today business requirements.

When Your Printer’s Buffer Overflows……..

Yes, the printer isn’t perfect. When you give the printer more load than it can “remember” from it’s memory buffer, it will either hang, stop, pause or abort the print and give you an error message. Here are a few ways to fight the problems.


From experience, I found out that a printer seldom or never encounter any buffer overflow from printing text. Rather, it is graphic files (up to 5 MB at a time) that crashes the printer. If you are printing multipage when you get errors, print one at a time. It may be painstaking but it sure beats having an error message. Now if a huge graphic file still makes your printer’s buffer overflow, try to compress the current format you are using. If you are using Photoshop, save it as a normal or “flatten” (without layers) to lower the file size. You might want to try using GIF or JPEG. JPEG is a high-color compression method that can reduce up to 90% less. But saving in this format can be “lossy” (image looks a bit different than the original). I prefer GIF. Although the file size may be bigger in high-colors, but it looks better.

Go For The Upgrade

Most printers allow you to upgrade the memory. The more memory, the less buffer overflow. This is the best solution. Go to your nearest computer dealer to ask for a memory upgrade. Make sure they can get the exact company and model. It might cost a bit but hey, that’s what upgrades are for!

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)

GSM network is designed by using digital wireless technology. It offers compatible wireless services to all mobile users in all over the world. The basic requirements for GSM are following:

  • Services

  • Quality of services and security

  • Radio frequency utilization

  • Network

Services: The services, which are provided by the system, should be potable to all Mobile Stations or Mobile Phones so that it can b used in all over the world.

Quality of services and security: The quality of both voice and data services of GSM should be good. The voice data is encoded in digital form by using a modulation technique i.e.Gussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK).The security features should be provided by the system to protect the network against unauthorized users.

Radio frequency utilization: The system should use the available band of frequencies (For uplink: 890-915MHz & For downlink: 935-960MHz) efficiently.

Network: Network designers manage the identification and numbering plans while switching and mobility management based upon signaling system i.e. Signaling System Number 7(SS7).

GSM Architecture

The main component groups of GSM architecture are:

  • Mobile Stations (MSs)

  • Base Station System (BSS)

  • Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS)

Mobile Stations (MSs):

The Mobile Station (MS) consist of two operational parts.

  1. Mobile Equipment (ME)

  2. Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)

Mobile Equipment (ME): This is the hard ware used by the subscriber to access the network and it has a unique identity number known as International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI).

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM): This is a type of electronic card that is plugs into ME and contains detailed information about the mobile subscriber.

Base Station System (BSS):

BSS is central equipment, which is located at the cell site. It provides the link between MS and NSS. The BSS consists of two operational parts.

Base Transceiver Station (BTS): BTS consists of transmitting and receiving antennas and signaling equipment that provide air interface for a cell to route the call. BTS communicates with the MS.A single BTS can support one or more cells.

Base Station Controller (BSC): All switching functions, which are performed in MSC, are controlled by BSC. It also supports handoff strategies and allocate or release temporary channels for those users whose needed handoff. Several BTSs can be controlled by a single BSC and one MSC can serve many BSCs

Network Switching Subsystem (NSS)

It is the main switching center of GSM network. NSS includes the following:

Mobile Switching Center (MSC): It is the basic unit of NSS, which supports call-switching or routing functions. Its purpose is the same as that of telephone exchange but due to advanced wireless technology, its working is much better than that of exchange. Each MSC provides coverage to a defined geographic area only.

Home Location Register (HLR): For subscriber its a reference data base. Current location of MS, identification numbers and various addresses are maintained in it.

Visitor Location Register (VLR): It̢۪s also a type of database. When an MS moves from home location to a visited location then its location is registered as a visitor in the VLR of visited system and this information is also updated in HLR of MS, by the VLR.

Equipment Identity Register (EIR): Its again a type of database, which contains information about MS equipment and check and identify its international validity of hardware and software to work properly.

Authentication center (AUC): Its a processing center and is normally worked together with HLR.Like HLR its also require to continuously access or update subscribers data. Its main purpose is to provide data security features to authenticate the subscriber.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hi Friends,

This is new site infront of you, in this link you will find the information regarding computer informtion, hardware, software, troubleshooting.

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